Friday, November 24, 2006


INDIA is ROCKING and so re INDIANS. This fact is amply highlighted by ANNUAL REPORT about richest people on earth.This list includes awesome number of INDIANS owning awesome amount of money.INDIA's rising fortunes are underscored by the increasing prosperity of its wealthiest citizens. Members of our third annual ranking of India 's 40 richest businesspeople are worth a collective $170 billion, up from $106 billion last year. India 's top ten, worth $112 billion, account for two-thirds of that wealth. This list includes 40 INDIANS from diverse group of companies.
But this is not going to be sufficient ; INDIA can not become a superpower or a developed nation by having few people having maximum money. That will require more and more INDIANS becoming more and more self sufficient and independent.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


You will see whole of INDIA is in RED that means INDIA in spite of all its so called progress , is still a long way from even being average in terms of health care !! Hoe re we going to achieve it ? Do u think only government efforts can make it possible?